Playing Tone upon Call Connect

You can configure the Device to play a specific tone (recorded audio message / announcement) from a loaded PRT file upon call connection (after SIP 200 OK). The tone can be played to both called and calling parties. When the Device finishes playing the tone, the call is connected and the call parties can begin talking.

This feature is configured using a Message Manipulation rule that contains the variable|dst.PlayToneOnConnect, which specifies the recorded tone to play from the PRT file. The rule is then assigned to the call party (IP Group) to which you want the device to play the tone.

If the device fails to play the tone for whatever reason (for example, the PRT file is not loaded or the specified tone index doesn't exist in the file), you can configure the Device to connect or disconnect the call.

To configure play of tone upon call connect:
1. Record your tone (.wav file) and convert it to a loadable PRT file, using AudioCodes DConvert utility (see Call Progress Tones File). The tone must be defined in DConvert as an acUserDefineTone<Index> tone type (e.g., acUserDefineTone50).
2. Upload the PRT file to the Device (see Uploading Auxiliary Files).
3. In the Message Manipulations table (see Configuring SIP Message Manipulation), configure a rule to specify the tone (index) you recorded in Step 1 and the call party (source or destination) you want it played to. Below is an example for configuring the Device to play the tone to call source and destination:
'Index': 0 (plays to called party)
'Manipulation Set ID': 1
'Message Type': invite.request
'Condition': Header.From contains '100'
'Action Subject':
'Action Type': Add
'Action Value': '50'
'Index': 1 (plays to calling party)
'Manipulation Set ID': 1
'Message Type': invite.request
'Condition': Header.From contains '100'
'Action Subject':
'Action Type': Add
'Action Value': '50'
4. In the IP Groups table, assign the Manipulation Set ID that you configured in Step 3 to the relevant IP Group (see Configuring IP Groups).
5. Configure what the Device should do if it can't play the tone:
a. Open the SBC General Settings page (Setup menu > Signaling & Media tab > SBC folder > SBC General Settings).
b. From the 'Play Tone on Connect Failure Behavior' drop-down list, select one of the following:
Disconnect - disconnects the call
Ignore - connects the call